
Meet The Crew

When the ocean + the bay bring people together

-The Crew, Salty Tymes

Who we are

As a family, we love the water, oftentimes we will find ourselves spending our weekends on the Chesapeake Bay or at the beach. The water has become a staple in our family, it is where we gather, bond, and grow closer to one another. Whether it’s waking up to see a sunrise or heading out to catch a sunset, or anything in between, we admire the beauty the water has to offer. The water has been used as a tool to bring our family together; whether it’s time spent on the ocean or the bay, people are brought together.

We started Salty Tymes hoping to create a clothing brand that brings families, friends, neighbors, and even strangers together. To cultivate and strengthen relationships through clothing that supports a shared love and passion for the water.

As a company, we have a heart for those around us; we prioritize caring for others, our furry friends, and the environment. We are committed to giving back,.Therefore with every purchase there is a donation made to an organization to help clean up our waters, or a animal shelter or homeless shelter.